UIIC AO Syllabus 2025, Revised Exam Pattern, Syllabus PDF

For the UIIC AO Generalist and Specialist Posts, the updated Exam Pattern and UIIC AO Syllabus are both accessible in this page. Applicants can obtain the most recent UIIC AO Syllabus and Exam Pattern by reading the page, which provides a full subject-wise breakdown of the information.

The United India Insurance Company Ltd (UIIC) is responsible for administering the UIIC AO Exam in order to select people who are qualified for the position of Administrative Officer. A combination of an online examination and an interview will be used to make the selection. It is imperative that you are familiar with the most recent UIIC AO Syllabus and Exam Pattern if you are taking the preparation for the examination seriously.

The syllabus for UIIC AO Exam consists of Reasoning, English, Quantitative Aptitude, GA, and Computer Knowledge. Total questions asked in the exam is 200, and they will be of the objective type. In this article, we have discussed the detailed UIIC AO Syllabus for Online Exam along with its exam pattern.

Applicants who are interested in taking the UIIC AO examination should be familiar with the UIIC AO Syllabus 2025 in order to have a good chance of becoming successful. For the purpose of filling Administrative Officer (Scale-I) Generalist and Specialist positions, the UIIC AO Recruitment 2025 is now being held. The content and structure of the examination for both the Generalist and the Specialist are identical; however, the Specialist examination consists of additional portions that assess both technical and professional knowledge. The following article contains information that candidates can use to learn more about the UIIC AO Syllabus.

Check the major highlights of the syllabus and exam pattern shared in the table below.

OrganizationUnited India Insurance Company Ltd
Post NameAdministrative Officer (Scale-I)
SubjectsEnglish Language/English Language/Quantitative Aptitude & Computer Literacy/General Awareness/An additional test to assess technical & professional knowledge in relevant discipline
Selection ProcessOnline Exam And Interview
Total Marks250
Duration150 Minutes (2 hours 30 minutes)
Negative Marking0.25 mark
Question TypeMCQ-based
Official Websitehttps://uiic.co.in/

The UIIC AO online examination is conducted based on the format described in the table below. 200 questions for 250 marks are asked in the exam. The UIIC AO Exam has a 2-hour 30-minute (150 minutes) composite time limit. 1/4th of the mark is deducted for each wrong answer marked by the candidate. But there is no penalty for unanswered questions. Also, the questions will be asked in the format of multiple-choice questions.

The subject-wise mark distribution and sectional timing are mentioned in the table below.

UIIC AO Exam Pattern 2025: Generalist Posts

S.No.Name of the TestsTotal QuestionsTotal MarksTime Duration
1Reasoning505040 minutes
2English Language506040 minutes
3Quantitative Aptitude405030 minutes
4General Awareness (with special reference to the Financial Sector)405025 minutes
5Computer Knowledge2040150 minutes
Total200250150 minutes

UIIC AO Exam Pattern for Specialist Post

The exam pattern for the Specialist post includes an additional section of tests of technical & professional knowledge in relevant disciplines, which carries 120 marks alone. Check the details below.

UIIC AO Exam Pattern 2025: Specialist Posts

S.No.Name of the TestsTotal QuestionsTotal MarksTime Duration
1Reasoning252520 minutes
2English Language404030 minutes
3Quantitative Aptitude252520 minutes
4General Awareness (with special reference to the Financial Sector)202015 minutes
5Computer Knowledge302020 minutes
6An additional test to assess technical & professional knowledge in relevant discipline6012045 minutes
Total200250150 minutes

Negative Marking in the UIIC AO Exam

The UIIC AO Exam includes negative marking, where 1/4th or 0.25 marks are deducted for each incorrect answer. This rule applies to the online exam, encouraging candidates to answer questions carefully and avoid unnecessary guesses to maximize their scores.

UIIC AO Descriptive Paper 2025

After qualifying the online exam and before appearing for the interview, candidates need to appear for a Descriptive test. The test will be conducted in English, and the duration is 30 minutes. The total marks are 30, and its marks will not be considered for the final merit list as it is just qualifying in nature.

S.No.Name of the TestTotal MarksTime DurationLanguageNature of Test
1Letter Writing1030 minutesEnglishQualifying in nature

UIIC AO Syllabus: Topic Wise

Computer Literacy, Reasoning, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness (with a particular emphasis on the Financial Sector), and General Awareness are the five sections that make up the examination. Computer Literacy, Reasoning, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness (with a particular emphasis on the Financial Sector), and General Awareness are the five sections that make up the examination. The UIIC AO syllabus is broken out into the following sections:

UIIC AO Syllabus for English

  • Cloze Test
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Sentence Correction
  • Para Jumbles
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Error Detection
  • Sentence Improvement
  • Para/Sentence Completion
  • Sentence Rearrangement
  • Column-based Spelling Errors
  • Word Swap
  • Word Rearrangement
  • Sentence-Based Errors

UIIC AO Syllabus for Reasoning

  • Seating Arrangements: Circle/Square/Triangle/Linear/Uncertain number of persons
  • Puzzles: Category/Comparison/Designation/Box/Box/Day/Month/Year/Floor & Flat
  • Inequalities: Direct and indirect
  • Syllogism: Only a few
  • Input-Output: Shifting and arranging based
  • Data Sufficiency: 2 statements
  • Blood Relations: Normal Blood Relation
  • Coding Decoding: Chinese coding
  • Order and Ranking
  • Alpha/numeric/symbol Series
  • Distance and Direction
  • Miscellaneous: Odd one out, Word pair, Number pair, Number operation

UIIC AO Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude

  • Simplification and Approximation: BODMAS, Square & Cube, Square & cube root, Indices, fraction, percentage, etc.
  • Number Series: Missing Number series, Wrong number series, etc.
  • Inequality: Linear equation, Quadratic equation, Quantity comparison (I and II), etc.
  • Arithmetic: Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Number System, HCF and LCM, Average, Age, Partnership, Mixture and Allegation, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Time and Work & wage, Pipe and Cistern, Profit and Loss and discount, Speed Time Distance, Boat And stream, Train, Mensuration 2D and 3D, Probability, Permutation, and combination, etc.
  • Data Interpretation (DI): Table DI, Missing Table DI, Pie chart DI (single and multiple pie chart), Line chart DI (Single and multiple line), Bar chart DI, Mixed DI, Caselet (Simple table-based caselet, Venn diagram-based caselet, arithmetic-based caselet), etc.
  • Data Sufficiency (DS): Two Statement Data Sufficiency

UIIC AO Syllabus for Computer Literacy

  • UIIC AO Syllabus for Computer Literacy
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Types of Computers
  • Components of Computer
  • Computer Fundamentals
  • Computer Aptitude
  • Microsoft Office
  • Generations of Computer
  • UIIC AO Syllabus for General Awareness
  • Countries and Capital
  • Famous Books and Authors
  • Banking Awareness
  • Current Affairs
  • Summits
  • Social Science
  • History, Geography, Economics
  • General Science
  • Important Days
  • Indian Financial System
  • History of Indian Banking Industry
  • Abbreviations and Economics Terminologies

Strategy to Prepare for UIIC AO Exam

Here are some useful tips and strategies to prepare for the UIIC AO Online Exam:

  • First and foremost, get a copy of UIIC AO Syllabus and exam pattern so as to stick to topics that are important.
  • The UIIC AO consists of an Online Exam which is objective in nature and a descriptive paper. Candidates must start preparing for the exam keeping these facts in mind.
  • Recognize your strengths and weaknesses and work on them.
  • Study from the only recommended books and resources.
  • Solve UIIC AO Previous Year Paper and Mock Test as much as you can.
  • After taking the mock test, spend time to understand the type of the questions and how to solve them in less time.
  • Make notes of study material and mock tests and revise periodically.
  • Keep a positive attitude and don’t lose heart if mock tests don’t go well. Just focus on learning new concepts.
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